Prvi hrvatski on-line peljar Jadranskog mora:: Nautiki peljar hrvatskog Jadrana urednika Mladena uteja, svjetski poznatog hrvatskog nautiara, na 528 stranica te 420 karata i vie od 500. Learn more about getting started with this template. Oceani i mora . Jadransko more karta.
From!dmatani Sat Jan 15 09:56:58 1994Return-Path: <>
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id AA15749; Sat, 15 Jan 1994 09:36:23 -0600
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 1994 09:36:23 -0600
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Status: RO
Subject: Important Regulations and Information
The sovereignty of the Republic of Croatia extends over the
internal waters and the territorial sea as well as over the air
space above them and over the seabed and the subterranean area
The internal sea waters of the Republic of Croatia include: har-
bours and bays on the mainland and island coast, parts of the sea
between the mainland coast and the baseline of the territorial
Foreign merchant vessels are allowed to navigate in internal
waters and enter ports open to international traffic by using the
shortest regular routes.
Foreign vessels (yachts) may freely approach and remain in the
internal waters of the Republic of Croatia under the condition
that they are in possession of a Navigation Permit issued by har-
bour master's office or its branch office. In exceptional cases
they may obtain special permits. Legal regulations for foreign
vessels apply to foreign pleasure craft as well. In the internal
waters of the Republic of Croatia there may be prohibited zones
foreign vessels (yachts) may not enter, while domestic vessels
may do so only under special conditions and with special permits.
All such information as well as other important data are con-
tained in the Navigation Permit that is issued to every foreign
vessel (yacht) at the first port of entry. Daily changes are
announced by means of navigational radio broadcasts, while
changes that are to remain in force over longer periods are pub-
lished in the Notice to Mariners.
Transport of cargo and passengers from one port to another (cabo-
tage) may be carried out by Croatian vessels only; this does not
apply to foreign yachts if they transport persons without charge.
A foreign vessel (yacht) seeking shelter in the internal sea of
the Republic of Croatia due to force majeure or danger has to
notify the nearest harbour master's office without delay.
The territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia comprises an
expanse of water 12 M in width, extending from the starting-line
towards the high seas.
The starting-line is composed of:
the low water line along the mainland and island coasts,
straight lines closing entrances to ports and bays,
straight lines connecting legally determined points on the main-
land and island coasts.
The outer border of the territorial sea runs along a line each
point of which lies at a distance of 12 M from the nearest point
of the starting-line.
Vessels of all foreign states enjoy the right of harmless passage
through the territorial sea (without entering ports; without
endangering order and peace or the security of the Republic of
Croatia). Foreign vessel is to proceed without stopping or delay;
stopping and anchoring is permitted only if due to some naviga-
tional problem, force majeure, imminent danger or rendering help
at sea. Foreign fishing craft are obliged to use the shortest
route without stopping or anchoring, at a speed not below 6
knots; while navigating they are obliged to exhibit signs by
which they may be identified as fishing vessels. They are
forbidden to fish, i.e. catch any kind of sea organisms; their
catch and their fishing equipment are to be stored inside the
vessel or sealed if on deck.
In the territorial sea or in the internal waters special vessels
(navy or other vessels and aircraft) are authorized to: investi-
gate whether a vessel has the right to fly its flag; stop any
suspicious vessel (yacht); examine the ship's documents and
search such a vessel (yacht); chase, impound her and bring to the
pertinent authority.
A foreign vessel shall be subject to legal proceedings if the
authorities of the Republic of Croatia find reasonable suspicion
that the vessel in question and/or its launch have broken laws or
regulations relating to the Republic of Croatia sovereignty and
jurisdiction or such as imposed by international law. The same
applies if a foreign vessel fails to stop after it has been visu-
ally or audibly signalled to do so. The pursuit of such a vessel
shall last till it stops or enters the territorial waters of its
own or some other state.
Offenders are subject to severe punishment ranging from fines to
seizure of the vessel (yacht) and equipment, i.e. the catch (in
case of fishing craft).
The epicontinental shelf of the Republic of Croatia comprises the
seabed and its subterranean area beyond the external border of
the territorial sea up to the border of the epicontinental
shelves of neighbouring countries. The Republic of Croatia imple-
ments its sovereign right to explore and exploit the natural
resources of this area (mineral and other inanimate wealth on the
seabed and its subterranean area or organisms found exclusively
beneath the seabed or in permanent physical contact with the
The law of the Republic of Croatia defines the commercial zone as
the seabed and its subterranean area extending beyond the outer
border of the territorial sea towards the high seas up to the
borders of the commercial zones of neighbouring countries. Within
this zone the Republic of Croatia has the exclusive right to con-
struct, permit and regulate construction work and to use artifi-
cial islands, installations and equipment offshore, on the seabed
and in its subterranean area. Within this zone vessels are
required to respect regulations aimed at preventing pollution of
the sea.
Foreign yachts, boats and sports sailing-boats may enter and sail
in the territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia and according
to a sailing plan (itinerary) call at ports and harbours in
accordance with the regulations.
Navigation Permit (Odobrenje za plovidbu) is issued by the har-
bour master's office or its branch office in the nearest port or
harbour open to international traffic (port of entry) in agree-
ment with the authorized police and customs bodies of the Repub-
lic of Croatia. Such authorization lasts until the yacht (vessel)
leaves the territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia.
Ship master has to enter such a port by shortest route and
immediately call to the harbour master's office or its branch
office. For a yacht (boat) transported by land the Navigation
Permit can be obtained in any of the harbour master's offices or
their branch offices.
The following information is necessary before a Navigation Permit
can be given: name (ime) of vessel, registered number (oznaka),
state flag (zastava), home port (domicilna luka), nationality
(nacionalnost), registered tonnage (RT), length (duljina), width
({irina), height (visina), draught (gaz), make and horsepower of
engine (vrsta motora i pogonska snaga), make and number of
radio-receiver (radio- -prijamnik), of radio-transmitter (radio-
oda{ilja~), of radio direction finder, of radar, of underwater
ultra-sonic and any other technical equipment; given name (ime)
and family name (prezime), nationality (dr`avljanstvo), maritime
rank (zvanje u brodarstvu), kind and number of passport or simi-
lar document (vrsta i broj putne isprave) of the master, number
of crew members (broj ~lanova posade), number of passengers (broj
ostalih putnika); the crew list of the vessel: family name and
given name of every crew member (ime, prezime), number of
passport or equivalent document (broj putne isprave), nationality
(dr`avljanstvo), place, year and day of birth (mjesto, godina i
datum ro|enja) and duty on the ship (du`nost na brodu); the list
of other passengers: family name and given name, date of birth,
nationality, port of embarkation (luka ukrcaja), passport number.
An attested list of crew members and of passengers on a yacht or
boat of foreign register is an integral part of the Navigation
Yachts of international registration can stay and sail along the
coast of the Republic of Croatia only if they are validly
registered as yachts in their own country, if they have customary
maritime documents and are outffited according to the regulations
of their own country, and if the crew have valid documents show-
ing their qualifications. If such a foreign yacht, boat or other
vessel is not in possession of all valid documents then the pro-
cedure is as follows: the vessel must be submitted to technical
inspection to determine its seaworthiness. If it passes such
technical inspection then it may be declared seaworthy and issued
with a Navigation Permit. If it is not declared seaworthy then it
may be demanded that certain noticed defects be remedied. If the
master of a vessel of foreign registration is not in possession
of the necessary documents concerning his/her qualifications
(navigation licence), or if the crew members do not possess ade-
quate documents showing other qualifications then a temporary
licence and/or papers may be issued upon the completion of an
examination. Sims 4 alarm clock. These are valid for the same length of time as the
Navigation Permit.
Persons who are not members of the crew do not need any other
document except valid passports. Croatian customs and exchange
regulations are valid for all those sailing a yacht, boat or
other vessel.
The same regulations apply to foreign vessels entering Croatia
overland. However, they do not apply to kayaks and boats of less
then 3 m without mechanical propulsion. Such craft do not need
Navigation Permits, they must however abide by all regulations
and restrictions valid for other craft.
On leaving Croatian territorial sea, the master of a vessel is
bound to record his exit with the competent persons in the
nearest international port of entry.
If a Croatian national or a foreigner hires a Croatian boat
(rent-a-boat) for sport or recreation and does not have a naviga-
tion licence he must take a navigation test according to a certi-
fied programme which can be obtained at any harbour master's
office or its branch office.
Foreign yachts cannot engage in cabotage (the carriage for hire
of goods or passengers). But members of the owner's family and
relatives can be transported. Croatian nationals can stay on
foreign yachts while they are in harbour, but cannot sail in such
yachts without authorization from the interior security authori-
ties. This does not apply to sailing in internal waters. The
names of such Croatian nationals must be included in the list of
passengers submitted for authorization to the authorities in the
port of embarkation.
Foreign yachts which are not issued with a Navigation Permit must
leave Croatian territorial sea by a stipulated route. Such yachts
may stay in a port or harbour only for essential repairs, to take
on food or fuel, or if in need of medical attention.
No fishing may be done from foreign yachts unless they are in
possession of a fishing permit.
A foreign yacht may be left for safekeeping and maintenance,
including agreed on repairs or alterations, at a Croatian marina,
harbour for pleasure craft or similar place. In such cases the
master has to inform the pertinent harbour master's office or its
branch office and the customs authorities or its branch office.
The harbour master's office will enter the data concerning such
laying-up of a foreign vessel into the Navigation Permit.
On our coast specialized marinas engage in such safekeeping and
maintenance of yachts. Each of them has its own price list list-
ing all services rendered.
These are ports (parts of them) at which vessels (yachts) of
Croatian register are obliged to call when departing for or
returning from abroad. The same applies to vessels (yachts) of
foreign register. Such ports may be open to international traffic
permanently or seasonally.
Croatian ports permanently open to international traffic: Umag,
Pore~, Rovinj, Pula, Ra{a-Br{ica, Rijeka, Mali Lo{inj, Senj,
Zadar, [ibenik, Split, Kor~ula, Plo~e, Metkovi} and Dubrovnik.
Seasonal maritime border crossings are fixed for each year anew
(from May 1 through October 30). They are: Novigrad, Sali,
Soline, Primo{ten, Ravni @akanj (Island of Kornati), Ubli and
Customs officials, harbour authorities and the interior security
service operate in all the above ports of entry, each with their
own responsibility for the maintenance of order in the harbour,
the stay of vessels, harbour operations, loading and unloading of
cargo and passengers, and ship's crew. In those ports or harbours
which are not designated as ports of entry the above operations
can only exceptionally be carried out, and only with the written
permission of the responsible organs.
A master of a vessel of foreign register can be fined for a
navigation offence: if he navigates in the internal sea waters
and in the territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia without a
Navigation Permit; if when registering his vessel he supplies
inaccurate information to authorities; if he leaves or re-enters
Croatian territorial sea without notifying the responsible
authorities of his so leaving and re-entering.
All vessels must be entered into the Register of Ships (Upisnik
brodova), and boats in the Register of Boats (Upisnik ~amaca),
the categories being commercial, personal use, sports recreation.
All commercial vessels must be registered with the competent har-
bour master's office, while other vessels are registered with the
harbour master's office or the local branch office on which the
boat depends. The above registers are public documents which
record details concerning the vessel, name of owner and/or holder
of the right of use and any other legal information about the
rights concerning the ship or boat.
All vessels and boats owned by Croatian legal subjects or
citizens must be entered. Vessels and boats owned by foreign phy-
sical or legal persons need to be entered only if so required by
Croatian law and regulations relevant for the registration of
Foreign citizen may, in principle, register his boat in the
Register of Boats, but only if this boat is not entered in the
foreign register.
Boats intended for sport or recreation whose owner is a citizen
of Croatia resident abroad, a foreign national resident abroad,
or a foreign legal subject operating from abroad must also be
registered if they constantly or mainly navigate in the terri-
torial sea of the Republic of Croatia. They must not be entered
in a foreign Register of Boats.
Registration forms for initial registration of ships must be
accompanied by:
certificate of make or some other certificate of ownership;
nationality certificate for physical persons and certificate of
registration in the Republic of Croatia for legal subjects;
certificate showing name and home-port of a vessel;
tonnage certificate (tonnage bill);
dead weight scale;
seaworthiness certificate or navigation permit;
freeboard certificate (loadline certificate).
Registration forms for initial entry of boats into a Register of
Boats must be accompanied by:
construction certificate or statement attesting do-it-yourself
construction or any other certificate of ownership;
tonnage certificate (tonnage bill);
proof of ownership of engine.
In addition the harbour master's offices and branch offices may
demand other complementary certificates.
Peljar Jadranskog Mora Pdf
All documents accompanying the request for registering must be
submitted in the original.
When registration is completed a Certificate of Registration for
a ship and a Navigation Permit for a boat which bear all the data
entered into the register will be issued. Any later changes
entered into the register must also be entered into a Certificate
of Registration or a Navigation Permit.
The following craft do not have to be entered into the Register
of Boats:
a boat entered in a foreign register;
sports rowing boats, kayaks and similar craft, boats of less
than 3 m in length and 1 m in width; exception to the last are
boats less than 3 m long which are so constructed to be used for
speed boating (with appropriate engines).
Ships and boats are deleted from the register:
if they are lost or may be considered lost;
if they no longer meet the required conditions or are not used
for their original purpose;
if they are permanently withdrawn from use;
if they have been entered into another register.
A ship or boat propelled mechanically is taken to be lost if
nothing has been noticed of her for three months, or six months
for a vessel without mechanical propulsion. The owner or holder
of legal right of use of the vessel must request deletion within
8 days. Such deletion is effected by the harbour master's office
where the vessel is registered.
Seaworthiness of a ship
Ships of the Croatian merchant navy may sail when they have been
declared seaworthy and possess all the necessary documents. They
are declared seaworthy on the basis of regulations concerning the
construction, outfit and maintenance of the ship and on the basis
of the required number of qualified crew members. Hrvatski regis-
tar brodova (Croatian Register of Ships) in Split is responsible
for this in the Republic of Croatia.
Inspections to attest seaworthiness may be initial, regular or
Initial inspections are carried out before the ship is registered
in Register of Ships of the Republic of Croatia. A request for
such inspection is made by the ship-owner or the holder of legal
right of use. Initial inspection may be of the entire vessel or
of parts thereof.
Regular inspections are carried out every 12 months. In procedure
and extent they are the same as initial inspections.
Special inspections may cover a whole vessel or parts thereof.
They must be carried out whenever a ship suffered damage, or has
been laid up for more than 6 months, when there have been consid-
erable reconstructions or alterations and whenever the owner so
requests. The harbour master's office may demand such inspections
if there is reasonable doubt as to a ship's seaworthiness.
When a vessel has been passed as seaworthy it is fitted out with
the necessary documents.
Harbour master's office is responsible for the security of ships
at sea and may inspect whether ships have necessary documents and
check that the state of the vessel tallies with the data in docu-
Similar checks can be made on foreign vessels, that is, on
vessels which are not registered in a Register of Ships of the
Republic of Croatia.
Seaworthiness of a boat
By maritime boat any vessel is understood up to 12 metres in
length or less of 15 GRT which is seaworthy. It may be larger
than 15 GRT if it has no deck or if it is not a vessel for techn-
ical purposes.
If a boat has several means of propulsion it is classified
according to the principal means.
A boat-yacht is any boat so equipped that it can propel itself
for a considerable period under its own power.
A speedboat is a boat equipped with an engine which allows it to
move with its bows lifted above the water. A motorboat is a boat
propelled in normal navigation by inboard or outboard engine.
Sports sailing-boats are boats of special construction with
sails. They may be classified according to the classes for this
kind of vessels by sailing organizations or may be unclassified.
Boats which must be entered in the Register of Boats (Upisnik
~amaca) can sail within delimited areas on specified purposes: if
they have been passed seaworthy (in construction, maritime pro-
perties, means of propulsion and equipment) and are in possession
of a Navigation Permit and operated by a qualified person.
Boats may be intended for commercial (carriage of cargo or
passengers, fishing etc.) or for non-commercial purposes (per-
sonal use, sport, recreation).
Passenger carrying boats must be built according to the specifi-
cations of the Register of Boats of the Republic of Croatia. Any
vessel (boat) carrying 12 or more passengers is called a ship.
A boat is certified seaworthy after inspection by competent har-
bour master's offices or harbour offices. Such inspections may be
initial, regular or special.
Initial inspection is carried out on all boats before they are
entered into the Register of Boats, and after any reconstruction
has been carried out.
Regular inspections are carried out periodically to ensure that
boats are properly maintained. Periods vary as follows:
boats for transporting passengers or for water-skiing every
other boats used for commercial purposes every second year;
boats for personal use, sport and recreation every five years
(if the boat is longer than 5 m).
Special inspections are carried out if a boat has had an
accident, if there is reasonable doubt about its seaworthiness,
or if the owner so requests.
Owners must report any accident suffered by their boat within 24
hours at the nearest harbour master's office.
A boat that has been passed as seaworthy is issued with a Naviga-
tion Permit. If it is not passed, a Navigation Permit is not
issued or is issued for a limited period.
A boat which transports passengers for distances in excess of one
nautical mile must have mechanical propulsion. If passage lasts
for more than three hours continuously then the boat must have
toilet facilities and sufficient drinking water.
A boat for transport of passengers and cargo (for commercial pur-
poses) must have a clearly marked loadline. The loadline must be
shown by a white line 150 x 15 mm. The number of passengers that
the boat may carry is determined by the harbour master's office
and must be clearly marked on the boat. Two children under the
age of 10 are equivalent of one adult passenger, but each child
must have a life jacket.
Boats carrying passengers in the territorial sea of the Republic
of Croatia must possess the following equipment:
an anchor of adequate size and anchor rope (25100 m);
two 10 m long ropes of adequate diameter, or similar equipment
for mooring;
bitts or similar mooring equipment;
a spare hand rudder shaft if the boat has separate steering
a hand pump or bucket and dipper;
two oars, four rowlocks or pins (it may have a spare engine or a
by-boat instead);
a boat's compass with illumination;
an up-to-date chart of the area of navigation;
the Adriatic Sea Pilot, Part I East Coast (Peljar Jadranskog
mora, I. dio isto~na obala) and the List of Lights in the Adri-
atic Sea, Ionian Sea and Maltese Islands (Popis svjetionika
Jadranskog mora, Jonskog mora i Malte{kih otoka);
two nautical triangles or protractor, compasses and other neces-
sary materials for plotting on the navigation chart;
some means of giving acoustic signals in fog (foghorn or simi-
six red handflares, three red rockets and two boxes of matches
in waterproof wrapping;
portable fire-extinguisher and an axe;
a first-aid cupboard or box;
a life ring (of approved type) with a rope 25 m long and 6 mm of
the same number of life jackets (life belts) as passengers that
the boat is registered to carry, of which 10 per cent must be of
child size;
an awning to protect passengers from the sun and a boat for the
transport of cargo hatches for covering hatchways on the deck and
waterproof covers;
tools and basic spares for the engine and other mechanical
navigation lights according to the International Rules for the
Prevention of the Collision on the Sea;
a battery torch;
a concave rear-view mirror and safety cord for outboard engine
radio-telephone equipment if passengers are transported outside
internal waters.
Boats for other commercial purposes and sailing in a restricted
area, if the port authority so decides, do not need a compass,
navigational charts, handbooks, flares rockets and radio-
Boats of more than 7 m long which are not intended for commercial
use must have the following equipment:
an anchor of adequate size and anchor rope at least 25100 m
two mooring-ropes of adequate diameter 10 m in length and two
bitts or similar equipment for mooring;
a spare hand rudder shaft;
a hand pump or bucket and dipper;
two oars, four pins or rowlocks or a spare engine or a by-boat;
prescribed lights;
a boat's compass;
up-to-date navigation charts with plotting equipment, a List of
Lights and Pilot;
a foghorn or other means of transmitting sound signals;
fire-extinguisher and an axe;
a first-aid cupboard or box;
a complete set of tools and spare parts for maintenance of the
engine and other mechanical equipment;
a battery torch;
at least two red handflares or rockets and two boxes of matches
in waterproof wrapping;
a sufficient number of life jackets (life belts).
Maritime boats 57 m need the same equipment as boats of more than
7 m with the exception of: compass, charts and navigational pub-
lications, foghorn, flares, rockets and matches, fire-
extinguisher, first-aid box and life jackets (life belts).
Foreign speedboats or other craft while sailing in the terri-
torial sea of the Republic of Croatia must have a Navigation Per-
mit and the following equipment:
an anchor of adequate size and anchor rope of at least 30 m;
rope of adequate diameter and not shorter than 10 m;
two spare oars;
Hatsune miku voice generator text free. prescribed navigation lights;
a pump or bucket and dipper;
first-aid box;
six red handflares and two boxes of matches in waterproof wrap-
a rear-view mirror if pulling water-skier.
Other foreign boats must have a Navigation Permit and the follow-
ing equipment:
an anchor of adequate size with at least 30 m of anchor rope;
rope of adequate diameter at least 10 m long;
bitts or other mooring equipment;
two spare oars;
prescribed navigation lights.
Portable fire-extinguisher and an adequate number of life jackets
(life belts) are also recommended.
Boats of foreign register can navigate only by persons with an
up-to-date Navigation Licence issued according to the regulations
of their own state or who have been issued with a Navigation
Licence by the competent Croatian harbour master's office.
Person who wish to take the test for a mariner-motorist must ful-
fill the following conditions: be at least 18 years old, has
navigated his/her own boat for at least three years or has spent
as a seaman on a merchant navy ship at least one year. The test
is taken before a commission of the competent harbour master's
office and according to a specified programme. An application to
take the test must be sent to the harbour master's office accom-
panied with a copy of the applicant's birth certificate, medical
certificate on the hearing and eyesight of the applicant and a
certificate of educational level (at least eight years of school-
Any boat for the transport of passengers or for commercial pur-
poses up to the outer border of the territorial border of the
Republic of Croatia must be navigated by a professional mariner-
motorist. Such boats must have at least one other seaman as a
crew member. Each member of the crew must have a professional
Sailor's Book or Embarkation Permit.
Persons wishing to take the test for amateur skipper (voditelj
~amca) must be at least 18 years old for navigating a speedboat
(regardless of the horsepower of the engine) or a motorboat for
commercial purposes, and only within a certain limited area. Per-
sons with such a licence can transport passengers within the har-
bour area only.
Persons who wish to steer a boat with outboard engine of up to
3.7 kW (5 HP) or a boat with a sail up to 5 m long need only pass
a test to show their knowledge of the Rules for the Prevention of
Collision at Sea and are then issued with a certificate.
Rowing boats for personal use may be operated by persons over 12
years of age without any licence or certificate. They must, how-
ever, pass theoretical and practical tests held by a board of the
harbour master's office according to a prescribed programme.
Harbour master's offices organize such tests according to their
annual plans. All details can be obtained upon written or per-
sonal application.
The ship's Navigation Permit and master's Navigation Licence
(according to one of the two above mentioned categories) must
always be kept on board.
Boats can navigate in the territorial sea and internal sea waters
of the Republic of Croatia. Harbour master's office may delimit
or extend the area in which a boat can sail including the right
to sail beyond the Croatian territorial seas, or into the terri-
torial seas and internal sea waters of another states.
For safety of navigation and sea-traffic, boats must keep a cer-
tain distance from the shore (except in harbours and bathing
places): rowing boats up to 30 m, motorboats and sailing-boats up
to 50 m, and speedboats, when sailing at speed, 200 m.
Boat regulations stipulate other details on the seaworthiness of
the boats as well as the penalties for infringement of the regu-
Vessels used for commercial purposes must meet the standards set
by Croatian Register of Ships or similar foreign register.
Management, maintenance and order in harbours is the responsibil-
ity of the harbour master's office and their branch offices. The
shipmaster or person navigating the boat must abide by all har-
bour regulations.
Person navigating a ship or a boat in harbour must take care not
to damage shore, piers, harbour installations, moored craft etc.
Vessels (boats) for sport or recreation, as well as boats in
general, must not hinder ship's traffic in harbours. They are
forbidden to move in the operative part of the harbour (landing-
place), especially in parts reserved for international traffic
unless they have a special permit. The Luka company or any other
administrative body in charge of the port (harbour) regulate the
mooring and anchorage plan and facilities in a harbour. The mas-
ter of a boat is responsible for the boat's safety while in har-
Fishing, bathing and anchoring in a harbour and its depending
area are regulated by the harbour master's office and must not
hinder traffic.
Pelajar Jadranskog Moravian
It is forbidden to throw garbage or any other kind of refuse
overboard in a harbour. Tanks and bilges can be emptied only on
the high seas and in places designated by harbour authorities.
Loading, unloading and trans-shipping of cargo must be done by a
qualified personnel and in such a way that persons are not
endangered, the shore installations are not damaged and cargo
does not fall into the sea. After the loading or unloading is
finished the responsible persons must clean up the relevant part
of the quay.
If dangerous materials (explosive or inflammable matter) are
being loaded or unloaded the harbour master's office must be
informed thereof and the efficiency of the boat's fire-
extinguisher equipment must be checked. When such materials are
being handled the code flag ;B+ (international: Bravo) must be
flown as required by international regulations.
Ships must pay a harbour tax for the usage of harbour waterfront
(when embarking or disembarking goods and passengers) and a
demurrage fee (if they use the waterfront for other purposes).
Moreover, ships must pay a fee for usage of sailing routes (light
dues). These dues are not payable if boats must seek harbour as a
result of force majeure.
Boats must pay a harbour tax for mooring and for the usage of sea
goods. Foreign boats are charged only for mooring.
The following restrictions on the navigation of boats should be
For greater safety and to prevent damage to vessels moored in
ports, harbours and marinas on the Croatian coast there are speed
restrictions in the following places: Limski zaljev (6 knots);
Pula harbour (5-8 knots); Cres harbour (7 knots, from Kova~ina
point): Bay of Bakar (6 knots); Rab harbour (4 knots); the
Zrmanja river (8 knots); Novsko `drilo (8 knots); Mali `drelac
passage (8 knots); Pa{man straits (10 knots); Kanal Sv. Ante,
[ibenik (6 knots); Plo~e harbour (6 knots); Pelje{ac channel (12
knots); Rijeka Dubrova~ka (4 knots); and Dubrovnik Gru` harbour
(4 knots).
Boats, other than rowing boats, must not sail immediately off
natural bathing places unless they are embarking or disembarking
passengers, and then only at designated points and navigating
carefully. Wind-surfing is also forbidden within 20 m of bathing
Boats must keep clear of all places marked by special floating
signs as forbidden for navigation, especially when work is in
progress. If such places cannot be avoided then boats must go
Speed boating at speed, water-skiing and wind surfing are forbid-
den in harbours and their depending areas (especially harbour
entrance), in narrow channels, bays, coves etc., also where sea-
traffic is intense. In other zones speedboats must keep at least
200 m from the shore. It is also forbidden to drag ski-tows
astern without skiers, skiing at night or in poor visibility,
skiing behind a speedboat which is already pulling skiers or
beside such a boat at less than the length of the ski-tow rope.
When anchoring persons in charge of a boat must be alert to any
signs on the shore showing that anchoring is forbidden because of
underwater electric or telephone (telegraph) cables or water
Boat-owners must not allow the use of their boats by persons who
do not have the necessary qualifications and papers.
Sport fishing for leisure includes the catching of fish, crusta-
ceans (crabs, lobsters etc.), cephalopoda (squid etc.), and
Pelajar Jadranskog Morale
Equipment for this purpose is deemed to be: a fishing-line,
fishing-hook, rod and line, drag-line or long-line with up to 200
hooks, underwater gun without explosives, harpoon or fish-spear
(for use with fishing-boats with lights of up to 400 candelas or
without lights). If amateur fishing is organized by a fishing-
club then larger fishing-boats (leisure boats) can be used. For
fishing with rod and line from shore no permit is necessary and
no dues payable. For all other kinds of sport fishing permits are
necessary and charges payable according to a scale determined by
the local commune authorities.
Citizens of the Republic of Croatia and foreign citizens with a
permanent residence permit in the Republic of Croatia who are
members of Croat fishing clubs (associated in the Association of
Underwater Activities and Marine Sport Fishing) and who can pro-
duce their membership book can without charge or other permit
fish in all permitted fishing-areas and with all kinds of
fishing-tackle except underwater guns. For underwater fishing
with guns a special permit is necessary and special charge pay-
able, and such fishing-zones are determined by the local commune
authorities. Foreign citizens who have not got a permanent
resident permit in the Republic of Croatia need special fishing
permits and must pay the relevant charges.
Amateur fishing is restricted by certain regulations. There must
be no disturbance of commercial fishing; persons under 16 must
not go fishing underwater with guns; aqualungs and other forms
of underwater breathing equipment must not be used; underwater
guns must not be used between sunset and sunrise. Underwater
fishing is totally prohibited between November 1 and March 31
(except in the case of international competitions); a maximum of
5 kg of fish and other sea animals may be caught in any one day
except during international competitions; the following are not
counted in the permitted 5 kg: sharks, rays and individual fish
of rare size such as sea-bass, dentex, sea-bream etc. Fish caught
for sport may not be sold or exchanged for other items.
In fishing reserves no fishing or hunting of any kind of sea-
animal is permitted. Such reserves are the estuaries of the
rivers: Dragonja, Mirna, Ra{a, Zrmanja, Krka, Jadro, @rnovica
(near Stobre~), Cetina, Neretva and Rijeka Dubrova~ka, the chan-
nel Fa`anski kanal, the bays and coves Limski zaljev, Medulinski
zaljev, Soline (Krk island), Bistrina (near Mali Ston) and the
lake Mljetska jezera.
The following are authorized to oversee the observance of fishing
regulations: fishing inspectors of local municipalities, interior
security agencies, harbour master's office authorities, State
Inspectorate of Fishing, responsible units of the Croatian Navy
and the maritime customs authorities.
Persons breaking the fishing laws can be fined, their fishing-
tackle and equipment may be confiscated and so may the catch or
any profit made from fishing. In order to prevent overfishing of
white fish both commercial and amateur fishing may be banned for
limited periods, in limited areas or for certain kinds of fishing
equipment. Persons applying for a fishing permit, especially for
underwater fishing-guns, should get all relevant information from
the municipal authorities in the area in which they intend to
fish, especially information concerning any restrictions in
Diving with diving equipment, underwater photography, filming and
all forms of marine research of sea or seabed are understood by
underwater activities.
By diving with diving equipment, all underwater activities are
understood that require the use of compressed air or breathing
By autonomous diving equipment the diving apparatus is understood
as well as diving clothes with the complete underwater breathing
Pelajar Jadranskog Moral
Any taking of photographs (black-and-white or colour) below sea-
level is understood to be underwater photography. Underwater
filming is all filming with cine-cameras, TV, video or other
underwater filming equipment.
By marine research of sea or sea-bed the collection of all kinds
of oceanographic, biological, geological, speleological, gra-
vimetric and other data are understood.
Areas of underwater activity must be clearly marked by a blue and
white flag, diving by a red and white flag or some circular
marker buoy (in diameter larger than 30 cm) of orange or red
colour. The flags must be fixed to a floating buoy placed in the
centre of the area where the activity is taking place.
On those parts of the coastal sea that are not forbidden zones
the citizens of the Republic of Croatia can dive with diving
equipment and do underwater photography without restriction if
they are members of a society or a club for this activity recog-
nized by the Croatian Association for Underwater Activities and
Sport Fishing in the Sea and provided that they have the neces-
sary diving qualifications. Persons of foreign nationality may
obtain permits from the state bodies responsible.
Pelajar Jadranskog Morada
Diving with equipment is permitted in the Croatian territorial
sea from sunrise to sunset.
The above underwater activities are forbidden in: specially
designated zones; in ports and harbours open to public traffic
and on the sea-routes normally used for such traffic; 300 m
around any naval vessel; in naval harbours and in zones marked as
military objects and forbidden for..